Whether in life or at work, we're only here for a visit. Make the best of it.
There is a disease that afflicts organizations. I call it Can'tSir. When we worry more about what we can't do than what we can do, we have chained ourselves to defeat. Steer clear of those who subscribe to the theory that if ya' don't do nothin', ya' don't do nothin' wrong. They have Can'tSir.
I've heard alleged leaders tell their troops that family always comes first. If this is true, who fought World War II? Or any other war? Staying home with family would've trumped going off to war, no? Family and devotion to duty must always rank 1 & 2 in your heart. Most of the time, keep family first. But realize that sometimes the greater good, even for your family, is doing your duty.
On this same note, the people I've seen in the most trouble in their careers have been those who allow ANY other thing to sneak into the #1 or #2 slots. Drinking, gambling, carousing, another job, etc. You do yourself a favor & simplify your life by holding slots 1 & 2 for family & duty.
You can neither ask for nor buy respect, loyalty, trust or friendship. These must be earned & then never squandered.
Be painfully true to yourself.
Never do "drink & dial" aka "drink & diatribe." Say it sober or don't say it.
Snowmen without any snowballs frequently slither into leadership posts, otherwise known as snow jobs. Be vigilant.
Be kind to all people, all the time, as best as you can - especially the less fortunate, because you never know when you might become one.